Bat Night

The night has no moon.
Better for vampires, I fear
Hand over heart,
Courage my soul.
I enter their dark world.

House to house,
Looking for lights,
My safety from darkness.
Hurry! Hurry,
To the next light.
Praying I don't get caught.

What's over there,
Fluttering in the air?
Looks like a bat to me.
I better hide here.
Maybe it won't see,
Me hiding behind this tree.
Run for it, my legs,
Get to the light.
Don't let it catch me,
And bite my neck.

Oh God! I fell.
Here it comes now,
Upon me oh so fast.
Fight! Fight,
For my very life.
Protect my neck,
And don't let it bite.

It's a hard fight,
I can't let it win
It has my hands,
Tied now with string.

What will I do?
Think my brain,
Shut down by fear.
What's with this string?
Vampires don't have that.
But it IS really a bat.
How can that be?

 How stupid of me,
It's just my fright.
There are no vampires,
Only my bat kite.

Copyright 1999
o. dell