Are You There 

Snowflakes fall gently through the cold wind forming a lace dress as though curving around the body of a sexy woman.

The ground covered with an unspoiled blanket of white linen awaiting the footprints of the perfect woman.

The wait goes on, its outcome uncertain, but she is there somewhere in the distance, calling.

Her voice flows gently among the snowflakes, its direction not determined, her vision as yet unseen.

A fragrance gently touches the senses with an erotic electricity only she provides.

The wait continues, even death cannot end it, for in death there will be lingering desire, neither corporeal nor spiritual rests until she is found.

Once found rainbows no longer cry their colors leaving the darkened sky, music from the universe announces her finding, comets and falling stars provide fireworks in the night.

Creatures everywhere know of the joining feeling a burst of orgasmic energy intertwined with everlasting love.

The wait is over, they are one.

o. dell © 2005