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Dangerous Tobacco

Tobacco companies have made headlines recently with the large lawsuit settlement. But just how much liability does tobacco have for the use of its products? There is a lot more here than the press and legislators want you to think about. Lets take a look.

This product has advertising aimed at our youth. It associates fun with its consumption. It is unhealthy and kills thousands each year. Health care costs are increased for all of us because of this product’s affects. What is this product? Tobacco? NO, alcohol.

OK, lets try this again. This product has advertising aimed at our youth. It associates fun with its consumption. It is unhealthy and kills thousands each year. Health care costs are increased for all of us because of this product’s affects. What is this product? Tobacco? NO, high fat foods.

Consider this. A cigarette, an ounce of alcohol, and a bacon double cheeseburger. All are bad for your health. All cause death. All advertise at our young. All enhance their products in ways to increase consumption. AND, all are legal. So why is tobacco sued and not the others? Could it be tobacco is politically unpopular now? Could it be a way for our legislators to participate in politically correct crusades without risk of lost election support from companies? As a juror, I would consider the facts the product is legal, its use is an individual choice in a free country, and its effects are known and available to almost all users. Tobacco is no more wrong than alcohol and high fat foods. Tobacco should not be treated any differently in our legal system.

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