Copyright 1999-2001

o. dell Quotes:

If I could make time stand still">

              Copyright 1999-2001

o. dell Quotes:

If I could make time stand still,
I would stop it the minute our bodies join,
The second our passion peaks,
The moment our child is conceived.

Blood from my heart, pierced by a dagger,
 flows into my poems so YOU can feel its warmth
and experience the pain.

How can I know life without you by my side to share it,
Without your touch on my hand, and without your heart with mine?

How can I continue without you, my love and Life?
So much of me is you, without you there is no me.



o. dell quote on the death of a loved one:
If this be our parting, Let me hold you in my arms, Feel your soul ripped from mine,  Wash your face with salty tears of sorrow, My broken heart can spills its life around us, And I go with you.                      
copyright ©2001