came to us in the morning light.
Her hair shown with the sun’s color.
Eyes wide open in new world wonder.
They shined deep water blue.
Her laugh, her smile melted cold hearts.
A soul you love from the beginning.
She filled our world with goodness and light.
In her hands she held our hearts.
The telephone crashed to the floor that night,
Its message too terrible to hear.
The child we love with hair of gold,
Was sick and on her way home.
The doctors fought, the family prayed,
For the soul of this child so dear.
Each bedside visit was very special.
In our arms we held her to our hearts.
Days were good, days were bad.
Mostly the days were just sad.
Tho progress was made in her valiant fight,
This was one war she can not win.
Through the days she brightened our lives,
With spirit and love she shared.
Soon it was time to be by her side.
Her light had become too dim.
With each heartbeat her head did pulse.
Her enemy had become that strong.
Mom held her in the rocking chair,
As the final battle was lost.
“God be damned” I screamed that night.
And for many days thereafter.
Forsaken I felt, unloved I knew,
By the God for so long I had cherished.
A prayer escaped from my quivering lips.
“Why her”, I asked God above, “She was only seven.”
He understood the pain and heartache I felt.
She was sent back to me that day,
To watch over my mortal soul.
Upon my shoulder she stands the watch,
Of my guardian angel in God’s service.
Dedicated to: Jamy Ann Webber